Archive for the ‘Rally Advanced’ Category

Way To Go Huey!

Thursday, May 19th, 2011

At the Non-Sporting Group of the Garden State show Thursday night, March 24, 2011 in Edison, “Huey”, Heegee’s Never Satisfied CD, RN CGC got his first leg towards his Rally Advanced title under judge Phyllis Broderick. 
Then at the Dalmatian Club of Central New Jersey Specialty Saturday March 26, 2011 Huey was High In Trial Dalmatian finishing with a 4th place in Novice B under judge Mary E Baird.  Huey received the lovely DCA Bronze Medallion for this accomplishment.  Huey is owned by Beth Anne Johnson & Jason Rudolph and was bred by member Geri Rosen.
Huey you rock!!!

TT Gets RA, AJ Working on it!

Monday, September 20th, 2010

“TT”, Ch. Shamrock N. S.Xposur AnnEMae CD, RN can now change her tailing initials to RA for Rally Advanced. She qualified for her third leg on September 19, 2010 at the Cape Cod Kennel Club in Falmouth, MA under Judge Julie Rembrandt Seeley. TT was bred by members Barbara and David Garceau and is owned by them with member Jackie Quinn. Way to go TT!

Not to be outdone by his sister, “AJ” Ch. S.Xposur N Dynasty’s Chasin Neon Rainbows CD RN earned his second qualifying leg for his Rally Advanced title at the same show. AJ was bred by and is owned by members Barbara and David Garceau and Jackie Quinn.

Great work, TT, AJ, Barb and Dave!