Archive for November, 2009

New Title for TT!

Sunday, November 22nd, 2009

Ch. Shamrock N. S.Xposur AnnEMae CD, now adds RN to the end of her name.  Under Judge Donna Blews-Pappas at the South Windsor Kennel Club, in West Springfield, MA on November 20, 2009.    Under Judge Blews-Pappas, TT earned a score of 95 on Thursday and a 97 on Friday.

TT’s First Rally Novice leg!

Sunday, November 8th, 2009

Ch. Shamrock N. S.Xposur AnnEMae CD, “TT”,  earned her first Rally Novice leg today at the Nathan Hale Obedience Club in Coventry, CT, under judge Dr. Michael Lappin. TT did it in style with a first place and a score of 97! TT is owned by Barbara and Dave Garceau and Jackie Quinn. Handled by Barbara. Way to go Barb & TT!