Archive for the ‘Agility’ Category

TJ’s “Kruisin” in Agility!

Thursday, May 19th, 2011

The weekend of April 30th and May 1, 2011 at the Kruisin Kanines Agility trial held at BucksMont Indoor Sports Center in Hatfield, PA, “TJ”, Ch. Dynasty’s I’m One NA, NAJ got his first OPEN standard Q and his first OPEN jumpers Q under judge Annette Narel from IL taking first place in Standard and 2nd in Jumpers. TJ was bred by and is owned by Jackie McIlhenny. Congratulations TJ and Jackie!

CH. Dynasty’s I’m One NA, NAJ

Sunday, April 17th, 2011

At the Tail Blazers Agility Club in Brandywine, PA, on March 11, 2011, “TJ”, CH. Cynasty’s I’m One NA, NAJ earned his third leg in Novice Standard. He also Q’d in Novice Fast for his first leg in that class. TJ was bred by and is owned by Jacqueline McIlhenny.

Congratulations TJ & Jackie!

TJ Claims, “Cole is Just a Pretty Face”

Monday, March 7th, 2011

On February 5 & 6, 2011 at the SOJAC Agility Trial at Dream Park, Swedesboro, NJ, “TJ”, CH. Dynasty’s I’m One, qualified for his second Novice Jumpers leg and his first Novice Standard leg under Judge Bob Jeffers. Then on February 18, 19 & 20, 2011 at the Bayshore Agility Trial at Dream Park, TJ qualified for his second Novice Standard leg and completed his his Novice Jumpers title under Judge Dan Selthofer. All four qualifying legs were achieved with 1st place in his class! TJ was bred by and is owned by Jacqueline McIlhenny.

TJ would like to point out that he already has his breed championship and that having worked for and earned his NAJ, he is far more than “just a pretty face”.

Way to go TJ and Jackie!

TJ Earns 1st Place in JWW Class

Monday, August 2nd, 2010

On July 11, 2010 at the Lower Camden Agility Trial in Hatfield, PA, under judge Janet Budzinski, “TJ”, Dynasty’s I’m One, took first place in Jumpers With Weaves for his first Q. TJ is owned by Jackie McIlhenny. Way to go TJ and Jackie!