Archive for September, 2009

Kona Gets Closer!

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

Sunday September 20th Erin N’ Gibson’s Summer Treasure, “Kona” went WB under judge Brenda Newcomb, handled by Beth Johnson to single her out. The following weekend at the Fingerlakes show, Elmira Kennel Club, Sunday September 28th Kona was RWB to the Major under judge Dr. John C. Shelton with Jay doing the handling this time.

Who will finish first? Kona or Daisy?

TT Earns her CD Title!

Saturday, September 12th, 2009
New CD Title for Barb & Dave's TT

New CD Title for Barb & Dave's TT

On Saturday, August 15, 2009, at the Wachusett Kennel Club in Fitchburg, MA, Ch. Shamrock N. S.Xposur AnneMae qualifed with a 188 in Novice B to earn her Companion Dog Obedience Title under Judge Marie-Johanne Cloutier. “TT”, bred by Barbara and David Garceau and owned by them with Jackie Quinn, now sports titles at both ends of her name. Way to go TT and Barb!

TT is shown below taking the breed last spring at the North Shore Kennel Club on Saturday, June 13, 2009, under Dr. Bernard E. McGivern Jr.